Editorial: Police departments are starting to ignore power hungry governors’ overreach

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s “America Held Hostage-Chinese Coronavirus” enters it’s 6th week, police administrators across the country are starting to take a stand against power-hungry politicians who are trying to use law enforcement agencies as some kind of quasi-Gestapo.

While some chiefs are buying into the new police state, such as the one in Westport, CT., who had officers flying “pandemic drones” to conduct surveillance on residents, other police officers and administrators are starting to take a stand.

It should be noted that after a public outcry, the Westport PD has ceased the drone flyover program.

On Wednesday, the Houston Police Officers’ Union gave notice that their officers would not enforce the ruling of a local county judge, Lina Hidalgo which made it mandatory for any individual over the age of 10 to wear a mask.


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    Email: ibms@drleonardcoldwell.com