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So you have been on Facebook since day one. You helped build the platform to what it is now, for free. Heck, you may have even paid for boosts and ads over the years furthering the cause. You have made Mark Zuckerburg rich.

Think Facebook cares about you? Bwahhahahahaha. They do not.

Facebook is now targeting conservatives for even the most minor infractions (if they can be called that at all). I personally have been tossed in FB Jail for “Hate Speech” twice now.

Neither time was what was said even close to hate speech. They are targeting conservative accounts and it is rumored that anyone who has had an infraction will have their account deleted as of next month.

Yep.. that would be October. Pretty convenient considering the election is in November. What would do the democrats the most good? Silencing the conservatives, the patriots, the people who actually care about this country and the American way of life.

I am not sure how long I’ll have an actual account on FB, nor am I sure that any of my outspoken friends will be left standing either.

Author: Sarah Barendse


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