Is Stress Getting to You? – You Aren’t Alone!

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There’s no doubt that 2020 and so far, 2021 are anything but laid back and relaxing. Many of us are feeling the pressure on a daily basis and when that daily basis stretches on for such a long-time stress levels rise to unhealthy intolerable levels.

Stress is your body’s reaction to high-pressure situations. A chemical reaction occurs in the body that by nature allows you to go into a fight or flight response mode. It releases endorphins and was designed for quick spurts, not month after month of insane world pressure.

Stress easily leads to high blood pressure (hypertension), adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, exhaustion, chest pain, stomach upset, headaches, diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety, blurred vision, and a decline in mental health.

Stress may sound minor, but it isn’t. Chronic prolonged stress has even been linked to heart disease and cancer.

If you are feeling stressed out it is critical that you take time to take care of yourself and your own well-being. Please take this as a cautionary warning.

  • 75% – 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related complaints
  • OSHA has declared stress a hazard of the workplace costing American companies more than $300 billion annually in work loss
  • Chronic untreated stress can lead to lifelong conditions

We wanted to give you a moment to pause and consider some stress-busting things you can incorporate into your days.

  1. Spend some time outdoors. Walking, hiking, even just a few minutes on a break to breathe in some fresh air.
  2. Chew gum. Oddly studies have shown bubble gum helps to allow the body to relieve stress
  3. Try to smile like you mean it. Your mental attitude will follow your body’s cues even if they are fake and forced at first.
  4. Inhale some lavender. Lavender relaxes the body and mind.
  5. Listen to some calming music.
  6. Do some deep breathing. In and out 10 times to a count of 6. 6 in and 6 out. Repeat. Slowing down your breathing oxygenates the body and gives you a moment to pause.
  7. Do a random act of kindness. As bad as you may feel there is always someone out there worse off than you. Go be nice. Even the smallest gesture can make someone’s day. It also will boost your mood.
  8. Write your feelings out. Writing is a release. No one ever has to see it, crumple, rip, or even burn it when you are done.
  9. Talk to a good friend or therapist. We all need someone who will listen and just be there for us once in a while.
  10. Exercise: Movement and raising your heart rate to a good sweat can help you lower stress almost instantly. So, grab that unused gym membership you got for your New year’s resolution and head on in.

If you are feeling stressed out, take a break, take a walk, do anything you can to make yourself feel even just a little better.

We care about you here at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates. If you need a cardiologist in the Tampa area, come see us. 813-975-2800.

Originally posted: Is Stress Getting to You? – You Aren’t Alone | Tampa Cardiovascular


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