Hello Friends,
Dr. C here with some very exciting news. I have developed the new IBMS Dr. C Relaxation & Motivation App
The app contains both versions of my World Famous Stress Reduction System – we have a secular version and the Quiet Time version for Christians – it also has the most popular IBMS Sessions AND my Ultimate Motivation Album to keep you pumped up and motivated!
I need 20 volunteers who use Android Phones to help me test the app and get final approval to put the app in the Google / Android app store.
The 20 volunteers will receive the app for free – all we need is for you to open the app and use it every single day for 14 days.
If you have an android phone and you are willing to help me test my new app so we can be approved for the Google / Android app store here’s what to do.
Send an email to ibmsinternational@startmail.com with subject line APP TEST VOLUNTEER.
We will reply within a few weeks with instructions to get the app for free and help us test it!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Your Friend,
Dr. C.