Are you catching the newest attempted divide coming at us? Race didn’t fully work, Religion hasn’t taken us down either, now it seems to be a go at classism.
I am seeing week after week more and more articles regarding topics like:
“Are you lower class and don’t realize it?”
“How does your net worth stack up?”
“Are you behind or ahead of others your age?”
“I’m a part of the upper middle class, what my finances look like.”
“Do you have an 850 credit score?”
“Average 401K balance by age”
“Are you lower, middle, or upper class – We bet you are wrong!”
And on and on… It’s really redundant!
What do they do when they want to hammer a point home?
NO NO NO NO NO! No matter what your finances look like right now. DO NOT box yourself in. YOU are NOT your bank account. POVERTY and WEALTH are not states of your checking account, they are BOTH states of mind!
Thoughts Become Things
If you are constantly saying “I’m broke” – you will remain so.
If you feel and believe you are rich, in turn money is attracted to you…
You Get to Decide
“The true measure of a man is how much he (or she) would be worth if he lost everything.” – Your value does not come from money, or your job, or your status. YOU are the valuable. YOU.
****Gratitude and appreciation for what you DO have, brings in more abundance. If you are feeling down, low, or “poor”, I highly encourage you to sit down and make a list of all the good things in your world…. I bet you are richer than you realize.
Originally published:
Author: Sarah Barendse