FDA: Sunscreen Chemicals Enter Bloodstream at Unsafe Levels

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Seven chemicals usually found in sunscreens can be absorbed into the bloodstream at unsafe levels with just one application, according to studies by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, CNN reported Tuesday.

The research confirmed the findings of a pilot study published last year.

“If companies want to keep these ingredients in products, they need to urgently test for potential harm to children and harm from long-term use,” said David Andrews of the Environmental Working Group consumer organization.

He stressed, “what is most alarming about these findings is that chemicals are absorbing into the body in significant amounts and the ingredients have not been fully tested for safety.”

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research director Dr. Janet Woodcock had a less alarming take on the studies, saying the fact a chemical enters the body does not mean it is unsafe, although she did stress, “this finding calls for further industry testing to determine the safety and effect of systemic exposure of sunscreen ingredients, especially with chronic use,” according to CNN.

However, experts stressed the continued need to protect oneself from the sun and suggested long-sleeved clothes, hats, sunglasses, and staying in shaded areas, as well as using mineral-based sunscreens.

The American Academy of Dermatology advocates putting on at least one ounce of sunscreen every two hours to every part of the skin that is exposed.

This is an important form of protection because one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation.

Originally posted: https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/fda-sunscreen-chemicals-drug/2020/01/21/id/950688/

Author: Brian Freeman

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