An American Nation Standing as One (2016 still relevant!)

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Remarkable words of encouragement from 2016 that remain relevant today.

Captain Clay Higgins is now Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA). He wrote and recorded this spot in May 2016, when it looked like our nation was going to exchange one repressive statist regime for another repressive statist regime. Fortunately, Donald Trump prevented that exchange.

Though Clay’s remarks are a few years old, he speaks more to the challenges we face today than any contemporary voice I have heard in the last month — and from a state hard hit by CV19: Louisiana. In his words, “An American nation standing as one is a force that the world’s evils cannot defeat. You are that force. We are that force. Real Americans are not defeated. We are one.”

As a former LEO, I have followed Clay for years, and when thinking about how I have fallen a few times over the decades, these words really speak to me: “A man’s character should not be measured by how he falls, it should be measured by how he stands back up.”

Thank you for your encouragement, Clay!

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