My Dear Champions,
We are bringing 2023 to a close this weekend. It has been a rough and wild few years for all of us no matter where we are in the world. The scamdemic has screwed up quite a bit despite many of us standing strong in our core beliefs.
My best advice going into 2024:
–Continue to speak your minds regardless of who it might or might not offend. You are only responsible for what you say, not how someone misunderstands.
–Stock up and do your best to be ready for anything as we don’t know where all of this nonsense will go or exactly when. (food, water, filtration, ammo, weapons, batteries, gold, silver).
-Stay Positive – and focus on your own life. Do not allow media to suck you in and engulf your thoughts. YOU are powerful and THEY know it! They NEED your negative scared energy to pull off a take over. Do not give it to them. Be happy in spite of all that is going on. That is how we win.
–Detox Continually – Drink lots of clean non fluoridated water, lemon water, Apple Cider Vinegar, Do a colon Cleanse, Do a Heavy Metal Detox (TRS Spray orally or Fulvic Acid Baths), Eat real whole foods – organic when possible and wash all fruits and veggies, Sweat! – exercise and sauna multiple times per week, use a shower filter, stop eating sushi and pork (lots of parasites), consider a parasite cleanse, sleep regularly and deeply – turn off wi-fi and 5G in a dark room with no LEDs, stop communicating with toxic people you owe no one anything, and do things that make you happy.
– Connect with Like-Minded People and Keep them close – get their addresses, phone numbers, and it is a good idea to have nationwide map on paper.
–Visualize! Envision the world you WANT. Block out to the best of your ability what you do not want and stop thinking about it…
Follow me on IG for more tips and health info:
I Love You All,
Dr. C