Declaring patients “brain dead” allows doctors to conduct lab-rat like experiments on the sick

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If you or a loved one is ill, be careful going to the doctor because you could end up becoming a lab rat.


Should you end up at the hospital in urgent care, you could end up becoming a victim of the “brain dead” deception whereby the medical profession is legally allowed to experiment on you.


Two “brain dead” men were recently exploited by The University of Alabama at Birmingham and the NYU Langone Transplant Institute in New York City, which implanted genetically modified (GMO) pig kidneys into the two men’s bodies.


Because the two men were designated as no longer having functional brains, doctors decided that they were no longer humans worthy of life, in essence.


Since potentially deadly untested therapies are generally unattractive to people with functioning cognition, Western medicine is resorting to taking advantage of people who are unwell and thus unable to stop mad scientists from using them as lab rats.


Medical ethicists like Joel Zivot, MD, MA, JM are utterly appalled that this kind of thing is even allowed to happen because of how soulless and cruel it is. Zivot says that “brain death” is an excuse to turn living souls into resources and commodities that feed greed.


Human organs, it turns out, fetch a hefty profit for those who worship money. So, whenever there is an opportunity to extract them, they do so by falsely designating their victims as “brain dead.”


“Most people do not receive any type of informed consent when they selflessly sign a donor card at the Department of Motor Vehicles and have no idea that they can be considered ‘dead’ while they are still respiring and have a beating heart,” explains Heidi Klessig, MD, writing for American Thinker.


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(Related: During the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] “pandemic,” government officials ordered doctors to kill their patients for the benefit of society.)


Never designate yourself as an organ donor on your license

Many good-hearted people have no idea that this type of thing even happens when they opt to become an organ donor on their driver license. Were the general public to ever learn the truth, everyone would likely opt out.


The problem is that most people have no idea that the “brain dead” scam even exists, which means those perpetrating it continue to get away with committing crimes against humanity for profit.


Sure, there are some standards in place that are supposed to protect patients being exploited like this, but the medical profession as a whole is deliberately relying on outdated definitions that allow them to basically get away with murder.


“While the UDDA requires ‘cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brainstem’ for a diagnosis of ‘brain death,’ doctors now generally follow the 2010 American Academy of Neurology Guidelines, which require only documentation of coma, a bedside test of brainstem reflexes and an apnea test,” Klessig writes about the Uniform Determination of Death Act.


“No other special studies of ‘the entire brain’ are required.”


As for the two men who now have GMO pig kidneys in their bodies, they will remain on ventilators as xenograft hosts until the medical profession is done exploiting them, or until they die – whichever comes first.


“If allowed, doctors will make patients ‘brain dead’ in order to attain more lab rats,” wrote a reader. “Doctors are not angels.”


“The stuff of what used to be science fiction,” commented another.


“As a healthcare provider, I have been aware of this for some time which is why I revoked donor status on my driver license some time back,” said another. “The sad thing is that I used to advocate for organ donation.”

Be careful participating in Western medicine: it might end up killing you. Learn more at

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