The Healing Powers of Silverware? Why You Should Consider Eating Off of Real Silver

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Growing up, most of us have become accustomed to using stainless steel flatware during mealtimes. But have you ever considered using real silverware instead? Believe it or not, silverware has been used for centuries not only for culinary purposes but also for its medicinal properties.

Silver is a well-known natural metal that boasts antibiotic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. It stimulates the body’s natural conductivity and improves blood circulation and well-being. The positively charged silver ions create a conductive field that reflects away electromagnetic radiation from the body. This, in turn, helps boost our immune system and improve our metabolic system. Daily dining with silverware has been proven to help prevent anti-inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

Apart from the health benefits of silver, it may also attract positive energy and repel negative. Silver is known to be a disinfectant and can kill more than 650 types of bacteria and viruses when used to clear water. In India, silver is believed to balance the doshas of the body, such as kapha, vata, and pitta. Drinking water stored in a silver container can help improve your body’s overall well-being. Silver is a good heat conductor. As a result, silver utensils have a cooling effect on the body that further supports digestion and helps improve the body’s metabolic system.

Silver is a non-toxic metal and can be an eco-friendly option compared to using disposable cutlery. It’s a sustainable material that is long-lasting and beautiful patterns can be handed down for generations. Recently, there’s been a resurgence in silverware usage as people are becoming more conscious of the benefits of natural materials.

What a simple way to support good health… Eating and drinking from real silver. Who knew?
Eat  – Drink – and be Merry!

Originally published:
Author: Sarah Barendse

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