Same state government that PROHIBITS the public from buying garden seeds still allows them to purchase LOTTO tickets

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Some Democrats have mentioned that presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is considering Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer or, as President Trump calls her, “Half” Whitmer.

To them, she is seen as a strong leader while checking the ‘woman as a running mate’ box.

But increasingly, it seems as though the president’s right: She’s not very bright and she certainly isn’t a leader.

As notes, the governor’s goofy coronavirus shelter-in-place orders are getting weirder by the day as she bounces from one policy to another, few of which make any sense.

The site reports: 

Michigan residents and local businesses are furious over a new rule, purportedly aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus, which bars them from buying and selling seeds – now deemed a “non-essential” item.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced in a public address that “essential” businesses such as grocery stores will be restricted in what they are allowed to offer to their customers. The policy, the governor argued, is meant to limit unnecessary foot traffic in public spaces exempt from the state-wide shutdown.

Got that? Seeds to grow your own food — so you don’t have to go to the store as much — are bad. And what’s more, the ‘guv-nah’ has not only decided what businesses are non-essential, but what essential businesses must deem non-essential. Did you get all of that?

“If you’re not buying food, medicine, or other essential items, you should not be going to the store,” she proclaimed, though of course, she as governor can get and have whatever she deems ‘essential’ for herself and her family and her government. 

As such, she ordered big retailers like Walmart to close off entire sections of their stores including furniture, carpeting, plant nurseries, paint and garden centers beginning April 10.

So not only are Michigan residents stuck in their homes, they can’t even get supplies to get some things done — like plant gardens and complete some remodeling projects — because Gretchen Half-Whitmer has forbidden it. 

This isn’t the only goofy policy Whitmer has implemented

“The state’s strict lockdown measures mean residents will be stuck at home for the start of spring, but those who were hoping to plant a vegetable garden to help pass the time – or get some fresh air – are fresh out of luck,” RT reported. (Related: FDA, FTC hit Alex Jones (InfoWars) with warnings over coronavirus claims related to silver products… is it time to challenge the FDA’s speech tyranny?)

Outraged residents took to social media to complain and to point out the absurdity of her orders. 

Natalie F Danelishen@Chesschick01

In You can’t buy seeds or plants or even pots. Growing your own food is ESSENTIAL @GovWhitmer and you should be ashamed that you’re doing this to your state.

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“You cannot purchase ‘non-essential’ items in stores even though you are in the store and it’s on the shelves and there are cashiers,” another furious resident wrote, calling Whitner “insane.”

Dan Bongino



Ryland Barton


Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear says that if people go to mass gatherings this weekend, the state will record license plates in crowded parking lots (like churches), local health departments will order people connected with license plates to quarantine for 14 days.

Lori Olivia@simplylorilee

This is a Meijer in MI. You cannot purchase “non-essential” items in stores even though you are in the store and it’s on the shelves and there are cashiers. @GovWhitmer Gretchen is insane.

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The governor’s idiocy didn’t go unnoticed. The Michigan media hopped onto the story to point out several bizarre inconsistencies.

“In-store purchases of Michigan Lottery tickets are still permitted, but buying a can of paint or a bag of seeds is off-limits,” the Detroit Free Press wrote, according to RT. Gotta have that gambling revenue for the schools — that are closed. 

CNN contributor Amanda Carpenter wrote on Twitter that she has friends in Michigan who are “irate” they “can’t get farm supplies but booze and lottery tickets are available.”


Have you looked into ordering seeds online?

Amanda Carpenter


Where I live seeds are available. I’m speaking up for my Michigan friends who are irate they can’t get farm supplies but booze and lottery tickets are available. They have a point.

See Amanda Carpenter’s other Tweets

And of course, small businesses are also being devastated by these ridiculous orders. RT notes that Bob Kuszmaul, a grocery wholesaler for four decades, told the Detroit News he was on the verge of financial collapse. He is with a group of business owners and state lawmakers who’ve called on Whitmer to ease back on her new restrictions.

This isn’t the only goofy policy Whitmer has implemented. Initially she banned state doctors from using long-time antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients after it has shown promise in some instances and after the FDA approved it for limited emergency use.

She has since reversed that policy, however. Only time will tell if she decides to allow seeds to be “essential.”

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