5 Common Sense Questions We Should Be Asking About COVID-19

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If common sense was still being practiced in the United States and abroad, these are some basic questions that would be asked. These are the questions you need to ask to your friends, family, health authorities, schools, and your work places.

1. A global analysis and national study have both found that schools and day care centers are NOT SPREADING COVID19, so why are kids still dealing with the insanity?

2. A member of the World Health Organization has now publicly condemned lockdowns, stating that they disproportionately affect the poor. So why are they still being promoted and why is the world starting to lock down again?

3. COVID19 has an extremely low fatality rate and the average person under the age of 70 is fine, so why the lockdowns and the school closings? (This is not to diminish the other lingering effects that SOME people have experienced)

4. We know for a fact that the PCR test/process is flawed and can result in false positives, so why are we still relying on this process to determine cases? And why are these cases from a faulty test being used to set policy?

5. Why has SARS-Cov2 not been isolated?

Please share these questions. Don’t simply share on social media, push back by asking them to the “authorities”!

Derrick is the founder of TCRN.

By Derrick Broze

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    Email: ibms@drleonardcoldwell.com