HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET? COVID, Vaccines, Child abuse, Rights

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We are living in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so naïve people won’t be offended.

Have you had enough yet?

Cause this sums it up in a nutshell.

If you don’t want this to continue. It is up to you. Speak up. Stop allowing it.

This goes from daily conversations where you “let stuff go” to actually taking a stand publicly and letting your views be known, come what may.

It is time to step into your power or allow it to be stripped forever.

Which will you choose?

Go along because it’s easier? or fight for what you actually feel in your heart?

If you can’t respect yourself, don’t expect anyone else to either.

Sarah Barendse

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    Email: ibms@drleonardcoldwell.com