Looking for a spicy fix for pain while boosting your heart and immune system? Try cayenne pepper

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A common spicy pepper used in all sorts of ethnic cuisine is a nutritional powerhouse that science shows can boost both heart and immune function while alleviating pain.


That pepper is known as cayenne (Capsicum annuum), a member of the Solanacaea nightshade family of plants alongside red pepper, chili powder, and paprika. Cayenne has been a part of Central and South American fare since time immemorial, and still to this day it is a favorite among spice lovers everywhere.


Cayenne contains a uniquely bioactive compound called capsaicin that gives the pepper its spicy flavor. Capsaicin along with the other constituents in cayenne are responsible for the pepper’s powerful healing potential.


In terms of supporting heart health, cayenne is a stimulant, vasodilator, and blood thinner all in one. It is commonly taken in dietary supplement form by people wanting to increase circulation and strengthen their cardiovascular system, including their blood vessels and nerves.


Cayenne is rich in what are known as salicylates, which are often used in medications designed to treat pain, fever, and inflammation. One such salicylate is aspirin, which thins the blood by inhibiting platelet aggregation and reducing blood clotting.


“Natural salicylates also have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anti-cancer, and antidiabetic effects,” one report explains.


The capsaicin component of cayenne also plays a role in heart health by clearing out lipid deposits that can build up and cause arterial narrowing. By dilating blood vessels and removing toxins, capsaicin improves cardiovascular function in a safe and effective way without the need for high-risk drugs.


Famously, herbalist and naturopath Dr. John Christopher, founder of the School of Natural Healing, has been stopping heart attacks in his patients by giving them cayenne pepper. In his 35 years of practice, Dr. Christopher has never once lost a patient to a heart attack, for which he credits cayenne.


(Related: Learn more about how you can help stop the phytonutrient deficiency epidemic in America.)


Before resorting to drugs for pain or obesity, perhaps try cayenne first

Capsaicin has also been shown to alleviate nerve pain, muscle pain, headaches, and arthritis. It can also help relieve itching and psoriasis, a condition demarcated by dry and itchy skin.A


In one double-blind study, patients who took capsaicin for migraines experienced improvements ranging between 50 and 80 percent compared to a placebo. Another double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found much the same thing when patients taking intranasal capsaicin for seven days saw a dramatic improvement in their migraine symptoms.


Patients with arthritis were found in another study to experience dramatic improvements when applying a topical 0.025 percent capsaicin cream to pain-affected areas on their bodies.


Cayenne has also been shown in the scientific literature to support healthy weight loss. One double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial found that overweight and obese subjects who took 6 mg of capsinoid, a cayenne compound, for 12 weeks saw significant abdominal fat loss – with no adverse effects.


If more robust immunity is what you are after, cayenne peppers are an excellent choice because they are high in vitamins and minerals known to benefit the immune system. Among them are vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin A, along with choline and various carotenoids like beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin, the pigment that gives cayenne peppers their red color.


And finally, capsaicin has been shown time and time again to benefit gut health, and particularly gastric ulcers. Numerous scientific studies have found that capsaicin inhibits stomach acid secretion while stimulating alkali and mucus secretion and increasing gastric mucosal blood flow.


“I do a 2 oz shot of Bragg’s apple cider vinegar every morning and I add cayenne pepper to it for that nice zing,” one commenter wrote about he takes cayenne every day for health support.


More related news about how to support vibrant health naturally can be found at Cures.news.


Sources for this article include:



Originally posted: https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-17-spicy-fix-heart-immune-system-cayenne-pepper.html

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