Coming Down with a Cold? – How to Help Your Body Fight It, Naturally

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Help stop a cold in its tracks by boosting your immune system.

The Action Plan

Chiropractic Adjustments – If you feel under the weather chiropractic adjustments can get your nervous system working at a higher capacity and actually speed up the body’s healing ability.

Oscillococcinum – This is a homeopathic medicine for flu-like symptoms (body aches, headache, fever, chills, and fatigue). It is intended to shorten the duration and intensity of any cold or flu. (found at all CVS, Walgreens, Walmarts, and more)

2,000mg of Vitamin C every 6 hours. (Liposomal Vitamin C absorbs the fastest).

Zinc Taken in 50mg increments 3x a day for a total of 150mg can help boost your immune system.

Nano Silver 10ppm 3x daily 1 spoonful.

Oregano oil capsules or essential oil (1 capsule 2x a day) or oil applied to the back of the neck brain stem area as needed. (note: Oregano is a “hot” oil so if you have sensitive skin mix 2-3 drops with a teaspoon of coconut, safflower, or other oil before application.)

Water – Drink a gallon of pure clean non-fluoridated water throughout the day. Add a pinch of Pink Himalayan salt for the trace minerals.

For a cough- Pineapple juice helps as well as mixing a hot toddy of – Apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon full), Lemon (fresh) 1/2 squeezed into the mug, hot water, a dash of cinnamon, add honey to taste.

Warm fluids- like hot tea, soups, and coffee (dairy free as dairy can produce phlegm and make you feel more congested), all help and just feel good.

Epsom Salts Baths – Can help relax the muscles, open sinus passages with steam, and detoxify the body leading to quicker healing. Soak 15 minutes minimum for full benefits.

Rest and take good care of yourself.

Using any or all of these suggestions can help.

 Hang in there – You will feel better soon.


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