The Association for Canadian Studies along with a group known as Leger recently conducted a poll about whether or not a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should be mandatory. And the majority of respondents disturbingly said yes.
A shocking 60 percent of the Canadians polled, many of whom likely claim my body, my choice! when it comes to abortion “rights,” apparently believe that it should not be your body and your choice when it comes to getting jabbed with a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
The other 40 percent of respondents – and the poll could have been skewed, it is important to note – stated that any vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should be voluntary rather than compulsory.
Recognizing that far too many Canadians are on board with mandatory vaccination, the Canadian government has already contributed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars towards finding and developing a vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which the government says has infected nearly 50,000 Canadians and killed almost 3,000.
Interestingly, the 60 percent of respondents who said they support mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines for other people indicated that they would not necessarily want to get the vaccine themselves.
“It’s almost as if it’s seen as just another flu vaccine,” lamented Christian Bourque, executive vice president of Leger, who believes that all Canadians should be in support of mandatory vaccination for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
“I myself would have expected a higher number given the severity, given the crisis we’re in,” he added. “But Canadians are kind of divided on this.”
Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks to Dr. Paul Cottrell about how forced vaccinations and other forms of medical tyranny are spreading across America as well:
All that being said, this was an internet poll
Since this poll was conducted on the internet, it admittedly is not a random sample and thus cannot be considered a reliable indicator of what the average Canadian thinks about this pandemic and the vaccine response to it. At the same time, it does suggest that there are, in fact, a sizeable number of people out there who see nothing wrong with compulsory “medicine” for the “greater good.”
While common sense would dictate that forcing people to receive medical “treatments” that come with serious risks is never a good idea, this health freedom ethos apparently goes out the window for a lot of people once outbreak or pandemic fears come into play.
In this case, mass hysteria over the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is driving some to call for forced jabs as the “cure.” Even if forcing you and your children to get jabbed results in death, the mandatory vaxxers will still push for it as the “solution” to this pandemic.
As it turns out, conservatives tend to lean towards health freedom while liberals are generally more supportive of requiring that others take vaccinations, at gunpoint if necessary, to supposedly protect other human life. And yet when it comes to protecting the lives of the unborn, these same liberals turn a blind eye or even celebrate abortion as a “woman’s choice.”
“I strongly doubt that 60% of Canadians approve of mandatory vaccination for coronavirus,” wrote one skeptical Global News commenter. “This feels like MSM (mainstream media) conditioning us little by little into accepting mandatory vaccinations, in addition to the ‘contact tracing’ propaganda that’s also going on.”
“THEY are whipping up fear as means of obtaining our compliance for their total control agenda,” this same commenter added.
To keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), be sure to check out
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Originally posted:
Author: Ethan Huff