We Support NaturalNews.com! Censorship will not be tolerated

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Recently Naturalnews.com has been completely banned from Facebook.com entirely. We here at DrLeonardColdwell.com know how that feels all too well. We have been banned blocked from posting and thrown in Facebook jail for time outs endlessly over the years.

Why is this happening?

Because neither Natural News nor Dr. Coldwell bow to the demands of the FDA, Big Pharma, the CDC, or the WHO. We freely post truth and health information in order to help the citizens of the United States as well as the world to circumvent out of control entities that would keep you sick and paying into the system endlessly for the rest of your life.

Our Goal

To keep you well, healthy, and happy! The problem is there is no profit in that. That is the one and only reason for all of this censorship. It isn’t about limiting “Fake” information, it is about being in control of every aspect of your very existence from what you eat to what you supplement with to what you choose (or don’t choose) to inject into your body. Mike Adams, founder of Natural News and Dr. Leonard Coldwell, Author of The Only Answer to Cancer Series, both have made it their life’s work to enable you to obtain the knowledge you need in order to heal yourself.

While so far Dr. Coldwell’s link is currently working via Facebook his wildly popular Facebook Page “The Only Answer to Cancer” has been black listed. That means he is barred from boosting or creating ads even when he is offering up large payment amounts to Facebook. They value control even more than money. More than ever, Champions, he needs your support by liking the page, commenting, and sharing so information continues to spread organically.

Censorship in America and world wide is out of control. We must all ban together in this to fight it and spread information that is desperately needed in any ways that we can.

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Author: Sarah Barendse

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    Email: ibms@drleonardcoldwell.com