Outgrowing Friendships – How to keep yourself mentally healthy

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Nothing can stay the same forever. That includes our circle of friends. Friendships are based on commonalities, not just whether you like each other or not. When those common interests begin to fall away, it means that growth is happening to one, the other, or hopefully both parties.

Growth is the natural order of things. As we age, we change. As we explore the world we find new exciting things that trip our fancy, we form opinions based on our experiences, we work on ourselves letting go of old baggage that doesn’t serve us any longer.

Friends will sometimes remark “you’ve changed” and mean it in a not so nice fashion. Take it as a compliment. It means you haven’t been remaining stagnant. Whether your friend approves or not is inconsequential.

Friends are wonderful things. It is important to have people in your world who genuinely care about you and your wellbeing and vice versa. All friendships aren’t meant to last a lifetime though. It may feel strange or uncomfortable to feel like you should walk away and leave someone in your past, but it is a natural occurrence in life and will happen time and time again. It doesn’t mean you no longer care about them or that they didn’t play a major role in your life for a time.

What it means is that we all are destined to walk our own path and not everyone is meant to follow along. They have their own trail to go down too. If you feel like you have outgrown your friend or group of friends, it’s likely you have. Wish them well and continue on your way.

Clearing room in your social circle opens up space energetically for new better-suited matches to arrive in your life.

Be excited to see who is next.

Originally posted: https://sarahbarendse.com/2018/12/06/outgrowing-friendships/
Author: Sarah Barendse

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