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December 17, 2021Dr. Leonard Coldwell (@DrLeonardColdwell) / Gab Social Facebook blocks me from posting almost daily on my pages. They have cut my reach.
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Dr. Leonard Coldwell (@DrLeonardColdwell) / Gab Social Facebook blocks me from posting almost daily on my pages. They have cut my reach.
For years Dr. Coldwell has has a gang of miscreants following him around the internet trying their best to discredit him at.
We are in the very storm of the tyranny I have been writing about and warning you all about for years now..
Dr. Leonard Coldwell is a man on a mission! He has been devoted to finding root causes of cancer for decades now..
There has never been a more important time in history to take care of yourself. You do not want to NEED doctors,.
Hey Champions! I am on Roku TV and have my own channel now. The website to learn more about it is
A group of parents in Gainesville, FL, sent 6 face masks to a lab at the University of Florida, requesting an analysis.
Recently has been completely banned from entirely. We here at know how that feels all too well. We have.
WATCH –> Dr. Coldwell`s Corona Hoax Notfall Video … teilen, teilen, teilen!