“Hundreds Of Thousands, If Not Millions” Of Migratory Birds Drop Dead Across New Mexico
September 16, 2020By Elias Marat Wildlife researchers in New Mexico and Colorado are aghast as a growing number of birds across the region are.
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By Elias Marat Wildlife researchers in New Mexico and Colorado are aghast as a growing number of birds across the region are.
Facebook has vowed to crack down on any attempts by organizations to use their website to interfere with the presidential election. While.
Back in 2008, a news publication called Phoenix Times News published a story mocking people who believe in so-called “chemtrails,” calling the.
An upcoming CNN town hall on the coronavirus pandemic will feature 17-year-old Greta Thunberg alongside a panel of medical experts. The program, “Coronavirus Facts.
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By Rosanne Lindsay What if you could decode the narrative presented in the mainstream to show that seasonal weather changes are intentional? What.
For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are.
The climate change hoax has collapsed. A devastating series of research papers has just been published, revealing that human activity can account for no.
The highly-politicized climate change debate rages on as we approach the crucial 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite an ever-growing body of evidence.
When drug companies are caught faking clinical trial data, no one is surprised anymore. When vaccine manufacturers spike their human trial samples with.